Do you need ... a new website?|to market your business online?|help being consistent on social media?|to optimise your website for search engines?|help with your content marketing?|a digital marketing strategy?

The website design process with Grahn Creative

Grahn Creative designs your website using our tried and true unique website design process. From the proposal stage right through to the final go-live of your brand-spanking new website, it’s our mission to make sure you are supported along the way.

Rather than use a cookie-cutter approach to our website designs – every site is designed with you and most importantly, your customers, in the forefront of our minds.

With regular communication, video link calls, presentation documents and a clear strategy behind the design of your unique website – when you work with Grahn Creative you get more than JUST a website – you get a well-thought-out digital asset that will get your business in front of your target audience on the internet.

To better illustrate the website design process – take a look at the flow below to understand what it might look like working with Grahn Creative to build your new website.

Step 1 - Initial Proposal

First things first, I’ll prepare a proposal for your consideration. This will outline the investment for getting your business online in the form of a responsive website design.

Step 2 - Research

The next step we take together in the website design process is a research component. This highlights our understanding of your business, your customers and their behaviour online.

During this stage we also research your competitors and what they are currently doing in the digital space so we know what the benchmark is for your type of product/service.

Next, we take this research and work out how your website factors into all this. This is to make sure we are building the perfect window for your business online (and covering all our bases!)

Step 3 - The Design Proposal

Once I’m armed with all the information from the research phase, I will set to work on designing your page layouts. You'll be supplied a design overview document that summarises the research undertaken. At this stage, you'll approve your design.

Step 4 - The Build

With the certainty we are heading in the right direction, we build your content into a responsive layout online - collating, populating and tweaking until we reach perfection.

Using our years of experience and technical know-how, your website will come to life before your very eyes - page by page.

Step 4 - Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3

Testing, testing, testing - across browsers and devices. All the links, buttons, forms and other functionality. We will make sure your website is working exactly the way you intend it to. Leaving no button unclicked and no links heading into the abyss.

Te Maru o Kaituna website design by Grahn Creative

Step 6 - It's go live time!

The best part of the website design process... Your new website is launched and ready for the world wide web to explore in all its beautifully designed glory!

You'll be provided with a Launch checklist to set the traffic in motion and get eyes on your new online presence.

Step 7 - Follow up

Once your website is launched, you won't be left high and dry! We'll touch base in the weeks and months following to see if you have any tweaks that need to be made to the site. We will offer support to ensure your website is working as a cohesive part of your digital presence.
